Class tl_page extends Backend
- System
- Controller
- Backend
- tl_page
/system/modules/backend/dca/tl_page.php line 510
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Class tl_page
Provide miscellaneous methods that are used by the data configuration array.
- public addBreadcrumb()
- public addIcon(array $row, string $label, object $dc, string $imageAttribute, boolean $blnReturnImage)
- public checkDns(mixed $varValue, object $dc)
- public checkFeedAlias(object $varValue, mixed $dc)
- public checkJumpTo(mixed $varValue, object $dc)
- public checkPermission()
- public copyPage(array $row, string $href, string $label, string $title, string $icon, string $attributes, string $table)
- public copyPageWithSubpages(array $row, string $href, string $label, string $title, string $icon, string $attributes, string $table)
- public cutPage(array $row, string $href, string $label, string $title, string $icon, string $attributes)
- public deletePage(array $row, string $href, string $label, string $title, string $icon, string $attributes)
- public editArticles(array $row, string $href, string $label, string $title, string $icon)
- public editPage(array $row, string $href, string $label, string $title, string $icon, string $attributes)
- public generateAlias(mixed $varValue, object $dc)
- public generateArticle(object $dc)
- public getPageLayouts()
- public getPageTypes(object $dc)
- public languageToLower(mixed $varValue)
- public pastePage(object $dc, array $row, string $table, boolean $cr, array $arrClipboard)
- public setDefaultLanguage()
- public toggleIcon(array $row, string $href, string $label, string $title, string $icon, string $attributes)
- public toggleVisibility(integer $intId, boolean $blnVisible)
- public updateSitemap(object $dc)
- public __construct() overrides Backend::__construct()
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