Class System
/system/libraries/System.php line 40
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Class System
Provide default methods that are required in all models and controllers.
- protected addToUrl(string $strRequest)
- protected getFormattedNumber(mixed $varNumber, integer $intDecimals)
- protected getIndexFreeRequest(boolean $blnAmpersand)
- protected getMessages()
- protected getReadableSize(integer $intSize, integer $intDecimals)
- protected getReferer(boolean $blnEncodeAmpersands, string $strTable)
- protected idnaDecode(string $strDomain)
- protected idnaEncode(string $strDomain)
- protected idnaEncodeEmail(string $strEmail)
- protected idnaEncodeUrl(string $strUrl)
- protected import(string $strClass, string $strKey, boolean $blnForce)
- protected isValidEmailAddress(string $strEmail)
- protected loadLanguageFile(string $strName, boolean $strLanguage)
- protected log(string $strText, string $strFunction, string $strAction)
- protected parseDate(integer $strFormat, string $intTstamp)
- protected redirect(string $strLocation, false $intStatus)
- protected reload()
- protected setCookie(string $strName, mixed $varValue, integer $intExpires, string $strPath, string $strDomain, boolean $blnSecure)
- protected splitFriendlyName(string $strEmail)
- protected urlEncode(string $strPath)
- protected __construct()
- protected array $arrCache
- protected object $Automator
- protected object $Config
- protected object $Database
- protected object $DataContainer
- protected object $Encryption
- protected object $Environment
- protected object $Files
- protected object $Input
- protected object $Session
- protected object $String
- protected object $Template
- protected object $User
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