Method ZipReader::__get


Written by

Leo Feyer <>

/system/libraries/ZipReader.php line 171
Automatically extracted PHP DOC comment from code:

Return a particular parameter of the header or the current file
Supported header parameters
- number_of_this_disk: number of this disk
- number_of_disk_with_cd: number of the disk with thestart of the central directory
- total_cd_entries_disk: total number of entries in the central directory on this disk
- total_cd_entries: total number of entries in the central directory
- size_of_cd: size of the central directory
- offset_start_cd: offset of start of central directory with respect to the starting disk number
- zipfile_comment_length: ZIP file comment length
- zipfile_comment: ZIP file comment
Supported file parameters
- version_made_by: version made by
- version_needed_to_extract: version needed to extract
- general_purpose_bit_flag: general purpose bit flag
- compression_method: compression method
- last_mod_file_time: last mod file time
- last_mod_file_date: last mod file date
- last_mod_file_unix: last mod file unix timestamp
- crc-32: CRC32 checksum
- compressed_size: compressed size
- uncompressed_size: uncompressed size
- file_name_length: file name length
- extra_field_length: extra field length
- file_comment_length: file comment length
- disk_number_start: disk number start
- internal_file_attributes: internal file attributes
- external_file_attributes: external file attributes
- offset_of_local_header: relative offset of local header
- file_name: file name
- file_basename: file basename
- file_dirname: file dirname
- extra_field: extra field
- file_comment: file comment
Throws an exception on requests for unknown fields.

public function string __get(string $strKey)


string $strKey
Not documented yet. Please add documentation to this entry.

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