Class Frontend extends Controller
- System
- Controller
- Frontend
/system/modules/frontend/Frontend.php line 40
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Class Frontend
Provide methods to manage front end controllers.
- protected addToUrl(string $strRequest, boolean $blnIgnoreParams) overrides System::addToUrl()
- protected generateMargin(array $arrValues, string $strType)
- protected getLoginStatus(string $strCookie)
- protected getPageIdFromUrl()
- protected getRootIdFromUrl()
- protected jumpToOrReload(integer $intId)
- protected parseMetaFile(string $strPath, boolean $blnIsFile)
- protected prepareMetaDescription(string $strText)
- protected __construct() overrides System::__construct()
- protected array $arrAux
- protected array $arrMeta
- protected array $arrProcessed
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