Class Input
/system/libraries/Input.php line 40
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Class Input
Provide methods to clean up user input and to prevent XSS.
- final private __clone()
- protected decodeEntities(mixed $varValue)
- protected encodeSpecialChars(mixed $varValue)
- protected findPost(string $strKey)
- protected stripSlashes(mixed $varValue)
- protected stripTags(mixed $varValue, string $strAllowedTags)
- protected xssClean(mixed $varValue, boolean $blnStrictMode)
- protected __construct()
- public cookie(string $strKey, boolean $blnDecodeEntities)
- public get(string $strKey, boolean $blnDecodeEntities)
- public getInstance()
- public post(string $strKey, boolean $blnDecodeEntities)
- public postHtml(string $strKey, boolean $blnDecodeEntities)
- public postRaw(string $strKey)
- public resetCache()
- public setCookie(string $strKey, mixed $varValue)
- public setGet(string $strKey, mixed $varValue)
- public setPost(string $strKey, mixed $varValue)
- protected array $arrCache
- protected object $objInstance
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