Class Files
/system/libraries/Files.php line 40
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Class Files
Provide methods to modify files and folders.
- final private __clone()
- protected validate()
- protected __construct()
- public chmod(string $strFile, mixed $varMode)
- public copy(string $strSource, string $strDestination)
- public delete(string $strFile)
- public fclose(resource $resFile)
- public fopen(string $strFile, string $strMode)
- public fputs(string $resFile, string $strContent)
- public getInstance()
- public is_writeable(string $strFile)
- public mkdir(string $strDirectory)
- public move_uploaded_file(string $strSource, string $strDestination)
- public rename(string $strOldName, string $strNewName)
- public rmdir(string $strDirectory)
- public rrdir(string $strFolder, boolean $blnPreserveRoot)
- protected object $objInstance
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