Class Database_Result
/system/libraries/Database.php line 783
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Class Database_Result
Provide methods to handle a database result.
- protected fetch_assoc()
- protected fetch_field(? $intOffset)
- protected fetch_row()
- protected num_fields()
- protected num_rows()
- public fetchAllAssoc()
- public fetchAssoc()
- public fetchEach(string $strKey)
- public fetchField(int $intOffset)
- public fetchRow()
- public first()
- public last()
- public next()
- public prev()
- public reset()
- public row(boolean $blnFetchArray)
- public __construct(resource $resResult, string $strQuery)
- public __destruct()
- public __get(string $strKey)
- public __set(string $strKey, string $strValue)
- private boolean $blnDone
- private boolean $blnModified
- private integer $intIndex
- private integer $intRowIndex
- protected array $arrCache
- protected resource $resResult
- protected string $strQuery
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